Sons of Asaph - A Worship Podcast

Ep41 SoA - You're Gonna Lead Worship Wearing THAT?

Adam & Sean Episode 41

Clothes have this amazing ability to ignite the hearts of many but unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. Yep! You heard that right, we're stripping down (NO), we're taking it all off (still NO), we're getting down to the Nitty Gritty (that works) on all things worship clothing. 

It seems there is a wide variety of opinions when it comes to proper worshippy wear. From full suits, to dresses to the ankle, or logo t-shirts that are a little too tight, to holy jeans that might be a bit unholy. Our outfits can sometimes speak and lead louder than we can sing. So there are some  things worth considering. 

We also make sure that you don't miss out on all of the other more meaningful (meaningless) stuffs, like smog soup, I'm rubber you're glue, pastor road rage, kids being parent parrots, bigfoot in a flamingo floaty, and even a few tasty burritos #theonekeon #rendcollective #worshipinitiutive #davebarnes 

Thanks for joining in on the conversation. We hope that somewhere in this episode you might find some wisdom between the wisecracks. Feel free to leave us a review on your favorite podcast platform, and if you like community come on over to our Facebook group where every so often we post a new episode.

As always, Blessings!

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