Sons of Asaph - A Worship Podcast
A conversation about worship between two friends. Both have been leading worship for many years and come with a wealth of worship experience because of it. Join Adam and Sean as they embark into everything worship. They hold no punches as they dive into the nitty gritty of worship planning, music choice, tech, mentoring, and all the challenges and victories thru the years. The added bonus is that these two guys are good friends that have simply invited everyone else to listen in on their crazy schemes of world domination.
62 episodes
Lead Like a Big Softie: And Building a Strong Worship Team From It Ep64 SoA
In this episode, we dive into the heart of worship leadership with a lighthearted yet meaningful discussion on Leading Like a Big Softie. We explore what it means to be an effective leader, offering practical tips on communication, consi...
Season 3
Episode 64

Ep63 SoA - A Day in the Life of Prentice Bigelow Part 2
I'm continuing a fantastic conversation with Prentice as we dive deeper into the wide world of worship in the Philippines, in the arid desert of Utah County, and his work as a youth leader helping teens develop a passion for worship music. gett...
Season 3
Episode 63

Ep62 SoA - A Day In The Life of Prentice Bigelow
A little different than the last episode, at least the room wasn't stuffed full of a bunch of hot bodies. I got a chance to sit down with my good friend Prentice and get his take on all things worship. We find out that our stories have so...
Season 3
Episode 62

Ep61 SoA - Interview with Jonathan Blair Part 2
As Promised here's the rest of the interview with our friend Jonathan Blair. It was such a great conversation full of so many wisdom nuggets that we couldn't fit it into just one episode. So in this continuation we wrap up our conversation with...
Season 3
Episode 61

Ep60 SoA - A Day In The Life of Jonathan Blair
Been a long time coming. Here is the first installment of the audio from our interview with Jonathan Blair. It gets into the weeds with stories of Hurricanes and Fleas, but don't worry, we're still the same old hosts filled with donuts ho...
Season 3
Episode 60

Ep59 SoA - A Changing of the Seasons
After many piles of hate mail and angry emails, we are finally going to start doing what we've always done......continue to post randomly timed episodes that have no real rhythm about them. This way we never have a consistent way of growing our...

Ep58 SoA - Be Authentic! B-E! Authentic!
Today on this episode we delve deep into the heart of worship leadership, exploring the transformative journey from imitation to authenticity. Eric and Adam don't tread lightly as they have a thoughtful conversation about the significance of be...
Season 3
Episode 58

Ep57 SoA - AI Q&A - It Asks, We Answer
I Double Dog Dare You Not To Smile While Listening To This EpisodeIf you are used to the stuff from our regular episodes then this probably won't surprise you. If you're new here, might I suggest starting out with a different...
Season 3
Episode 57

Ep56 SoA - Real Worship or Just Polished Bronze?
As my kids would say "remember back in the old'en days." and then I would proceed to ground them from something for swearing like that.For reals tho, it's like the old days when Sean and I would spend an hour picking on each other. We r...
Season 3
Episode 56

Ep55 SoA - How Much Should You Charge For Serving?
I'm sure that even just reading that title makes your skin crawl. We are confident that we're going to get a mixed bag of reactions. But don't worry, we pick on ourselves and our own experiences in charging for serving (cringe).As leade...
Season 2
Episode 55

Ep54 SoA - When Ministry Gives You A Curveball...
It's not too uncommon for something to come out of left field when it comes to planning for the best Sunday ever (or whatever day cuz Jesus is every day). How do you overcome the challenges? If you're down a leader or ...

Ep53 SoA - Having a VISION is Essential, WITHOUT it You're Just BLIND Leading The BLIND
Philippians 2:2 "One Heart and Mind"We wrapped our vision topic this week. And got a chance to really dive deep into the need for VISION in every sort of organization whether that's a church, or business, or cause, without a VISI...

Ep52 SoA - It's Worship Team DRAFT Season. Are you a 1st Round, 2nd Round, or Free Agent?
Being that we recently brought in a new voice (Eric Munoz) to the podcast, we decided while he was away that we would do a little Worship Team Draft. Don't worry, you're not getting replaced.This was a fun talk about how we...
Season 3
Episode 52

Ep51 SoA - I Can See, It's A Miracle - FernGully
Happy Belated 50th Episodiversary! I know, I know..... it's on the 51st episode but we missed mentioning it in the last one. We start falling off the rails right at the front of this episode but it's okay cuz we have Eric...
Season 3
Episode 51

Ep50 SoA - Sound Geek Speak - The Eric Munoz Audition - Why Was The Sound Tech Fired......... He Couldn't Handle Any Feedback!!!
Psalm 100:1-5 was the text we used now for the last few episodes. We actually didn't do this on purpose but it worked out this way. Or we lack any sense of creativity and variety with our bible verse usage. But this episode was f...
Season 3
Episode 50

Ep49 SoA - Sound Geekery - How does a sound tech say goodbye? ....... Audios!
Psalm 98:4-6 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre, with the lyre and the sound of melody! With trumpets and the sound of the horn make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord!I...
Season 3
Episode 49

Ep48 SoA - Soundboarding - Have a problem? Ask an audio engineer, they give the most sound advice...
I better get this episode out pretty quick. Since I released Ep49 the other day. But who's counting anyways. This is actually the first of three episodes about Sound Team, Sound Techs, Soundboard life, being Sound Bored ;)
Season 3
Episode 48

Ep47 SoA - Technically Speaking - What kind of Music are balloons scared of? Pop Music
Have you ever wondered how to apply God's word in the work place?What about when times get difficult; how does the Bible address our hard work?We talk about doing all things for the glory of God. 1 Cor. 10:31 - 33 and ...
Season 3
Episode 47

Ep46 SoA - Check It B4U Wreck It!!!
So I need to start off this episode with an apology. Not because I am extremely unreliable when it comes to releasing these episodes; I'll own that problem some day. But today I have an apology that has some pretty important context. I'...
Season 3
Episode 46

Ep45 SoA - Bible Lessons From Topgun Maverick
These episodes are so spaced out right now that there really is no rhyme or reason to our topics. Except for this one was waaaaaaaayyyyy longer than other past episodes. Pretty sure this one beats the record. Um, it's also way wort...
Season 3
Episode 45

Ep44 SoA - Guess Who's Back.....Back Again.....SoA is back.......Tell Your Friends...
Admit it, you sang our title line didn't you?In a perfect world you were hoping you had heard the last of us. But don't you worry little fella... (in menacing voice) We're just getting started.....Mwa hahahaha!We are BACK! We had to...
Season 3
Episode 44

Ep43 SoA - Participation Trophies 4 All
Oh my goodness it's been a while since we've posted an episode. And there is really no good excuse as to why. But this episode was on the heels of our last episode where we turned our attention to pick on the congregation. Hopefully we don't hu...
Season 2
Episode 43

Ep42 SoA - News From The Pews
Over the last few 40 or so episodes we have covered an array of topics but never have we ever turned our attention to the people we are called to lead. That's right everyone, we're picking on you today! Okay, not really picking on you.
Episode 42

Ep41 SoA - You're Gonna Lead Worship Wearing THAT?
Clothes have this amazing ability to ignite the hearts of many but unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. Yep! You heard that right, we're stripping down (NO), we're taking it all off (still NO), we're getting down to the Nitty Gritty (that w...
Episode 41

Ep40 SoA - Christmas Cancels
Ever had one of those moments when you have an amazing plan in place, ready to get going and then you don't accomplish one bit of it. We totally had something else we were going to talk about in this episode but fortunately we redirected to tal...
Season 2
Episode 40