Sons of Asaph - A Worship Podcast
A conversation about worship between two friends. Both have been leading worship for many years and come with a wealth of worship experience because of it. Join Adam and Sean as they embark into everything worship. They hold no punches as they dive into the nitty gritty of worship planning, music choice, tech, mentoring, and all the challenges and victories thru the years. The added bonus is that these two guys are good friends that have simply invited everyone else to listen in on their crazy schemes of world domination.
Sons of Asaph - A Worship Podcast
Ep43 SoA - Participation Trophies 4 All
Oh my goodness it's been a while since we've posted an episode. And there is really no good excuse as to why. But this episode was on the heels of our last episode where we turned our attention to pick on the congregation. Hopefully we don't hurt too many feelings.
We also talk about Sundays, a good pod hack, where there's people there's poop, church planting, worship team jealousy, hopping on the worship train, holy bovine, ugly crying, and being an inspiration vs participation.
Thank you for joining in and being part of our conversation. We hope that amidst the madness you might find a collective 30 seconds of wisdom within this episode. Heck, even 20 seconds is a win. We are glad that you have joined us.